Anthropology Researcher from Vietnam: Ms Tran thi Lanh University of Waikato Research Associate Ms Tran thi Lanh from the Anthropology Programme, who is from Vietnam, talks about her research into indigenous people in Malaysia spanning over 20 years; espe... Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway Alexander van Oudenaarden and colleagues discuss their analysis of Wnt-activated Hox gene expression and find that an interdependent positive and negative feedback network within Wnt signaling ensures... Some Congruences of Kloosterman Sums and Their Characteristic Polynomials Some Congruences of Kloosterman Sums and Their Characteristic Polynomials by Göloglu, F. et al. at from the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University College Dublin... Can near-infrared energy reach the brain for treatment of TBI? - Video abstract [78182] Video abstract of review paper "Near-infrared photonic energy penetration: can infrared phototherapy effectively reach the human brain?" published in the open access journal Neuropsychiatric... Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic or superconducting hybrids Video abstract for the article ‘Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic/superconducting hybrids‘ by L Ruiz-Valdepeñas, M Vélez, F Valdés-Bango, L M Álvarez-Prado, J I Martín, E Nav... Patterns in numbers and infinite sums and products Patterns in numbers and infinite sums and products - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)