B&B: Visualizing cellulase activity Video Highlight from Patricia Bubner on her recently published B&B paper entitled "Visualizing cellulase activity" (Patricia Bubner, Harald Plank, Bernd Nidetzky). Read the paper on Wile... Wining hearts and minds; understanding how heart attacks affect the brain Wining hearts and minds; understanding how heart attacks affect the brain - YouTube... Approximating the constants of Glaisher-Kinkelin type Approximating the constants of Glaisher-Kinkelin type by Mortici, Cristinel Valahia from the University of Târgoviste... B&B: Automated detection of whole-cell mitochondrial motility B&B: Eradication of multidrug-resistant pseudomonas biofilm with pulsed electric fields - YouTube... 4 Juan Margalef Spain Famelab Final 2018 (3) 4 Juan Margalef Spain Famelab Final 2018... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)