Combo Snack of Cheese and Veggies for a low cal alternative Combo Snack of Cheese and Veggies for a low cal alternative - YouTube... Introduction to Video Abstracting by David Goss Editor-in-Chief David Goss explains his thoughts and inspiration for video abstracting and its benefits for the mathematics community.... Mechanical impedance of the skull via direct bone conduction implants - Video abstract [ID 260732] Video abstract of an original research "The mechanical impedance of the human skull via direct bone conduction implants" published in the open access journal Medical Devices: Evidence and Re... The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban; by Rolf U. Halden, Avery E. Lindeman, Allison E. Aiello, David Andrews, William A. Arnold, Patricia Fair, Rebecca E. Fuoco, Laura A. Geer, Paula I... A counterexample to the prime conjecture of expressing numbers using just ones A counterexample to the prime conjecture of expressing numbers using just ones by Wang, Venecia from the Department of Mathematics at ShaoGuan College... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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