B&B: Investigation of Chlorella vulgaris cultures using response surface methodology B&B: Investigation of Chlorella vulgaris cultures using response surface methodology - YouTube... YouTube Science Video The Stanford Prison Experiment, a dramatic simulation study of the psychology of imprisonment and one of the best known psychology experiments ever undertaken.Dr. Zimbardo takes us through the Stanfor... Tri-block polymer and its use in maintaining supersaturated drug solution – Video abstract ID 152415 Video abstract of original research paper “Tri-block polymer with interfacial layer formation ability and its use in maintaining supersaturated drug solution after dissolution of solid dispersions” pu... Deterministic preparation of superpositions of vacuum plus one photon by adaptive homodyne detection Deterministic preparation of superpositions of vacuum plus one photon by adaptive homodyne detection - by Nicola Dalla Pozza, Howard M Wiseman and Elanor H Huntington (Nicola Dalla Pozza et al 2015 Ne... Kazakhstan - Galymzhan Tieboldinov - FAMELAB 2018 (3) Kazakhstan - Galymzhan Tieboldinov - FAMELAB 2018 ... The effects of surface polarity and dangling bonds on the electronic properties of monolayer and bil Video abstract for the article ‘The effects of surface polarity and dangling bonds on the electronic properties of monolayer and bilayer MoS2 on α-quartz‘ by Ha-Jun Sung, Duk-Hyun Choe and K J Chang (... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)