Major Gastrointestinal Bleeding Often Is Caused by Occult Malignancy in Patients Receiving... Major Gastrointestinal Bleeding Often Is Caused by Occult Malignancy in Patients Receiving. Dr. Kathryn F. Flack discusses her manuscript "Major Gastrointestinal Bleeding Often Is Caused by Occul... Association between prediabetes and risk of cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality Association between prediabetes and risk of cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis. Objectives To evaluate associations between different definitions of pr... This AI Learned How To Generate Human Appearance This AI Learned How To Generate Human Appearance... Identifying patients from the Danish National Patient Registry - Video abstract [ID 353215] Video abstract of an original research "Importance of Reporting Complete Procedures of Identifying Patients from the Danish National Patient Registry: the Case of Neonatal Jaundice and Epilepsy&q... Prevalence of ocular morbidity in the eastern India among children – Video abstract [ID 171822] Video abstract of original research paper “Prevalence of ocular morbidity among children aged 17 years or younger in the eastern India” to be published in the open access journal Clinical Ophthalmolog... Simple steps to improve our daily basic ophthalmological examination - Video abstract [ID 286736] Video abstract of a commentary paper "Avoiding Diagnostic Lens Fogging During the Covid-19 Era" published in the open access journal Clinical Ophthalmology by David Perez Gonzalez, Anat Loe... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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