Major Gastrointestinal Bleeding Often Is Caused by Occult Malignancy in Patients Receiving... Major Gastrointestinal Bleeding Often Is Caused by Occult Malignancy in Patients Receiving. Dr. Kathryn F. Flack discusses her manuscript "Major Gastrointestinal Bleeding Often Is Caused by Occul... B&B: Advanced multivariate data analysis to determine the root cause of trisulfide bond formation... B&B: Advanced multivariate data analysis to determine the root cause of trisulfide bond formation. Product quality heterogeneities, such as a trisulfide bond (TSB) formation, can be influenced by... On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$ On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo $n$ - YouTube... The wobbling bridge - Tea Rukavnia (Croatia - FameLab 2015 Intl Final) Tea Rukavina (Croatia) - FameLab International Final 2015 - YouTube... Hepatitis C antiviral therapy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma - Video abstract [ID 206668] Video abstract of a review paper "Hepatitis C antiviral therapy in patients with successfully treated hepatocellular carcinoma: dancing with wolves” published in the open access Journal of Hepato... Shape-dependent antibacterial effects of non-cytotoxic gold nanoparticles- Video Abstract ID 124442 Video abstract of original research “Shape-dependent antibacterial effects of non-cytotoxic gold nanoparticles” published in the open access International Journal of Nanomedicine by authors Penders J,... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)