Tactile Mouse 3 - TAMO3: learning geometry in absence of vision - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia TAMO3 (TActile MOuse 3) is a sensory substitution device that allow to perceive virtual objects with touch. The novelty is that its electro-mechanical complexity is low (only one finger is stimulated ... What makes humans special? - Dong-Seon Chang (Germany - FameLab 2015 Intl Final) Dong-Seon Chang (Germany) - FameLab International Final 2015 - YouTube... On $p$-adic Diamond-Euler Log Gamma functions On $p$-adic Diamond-Euler Log Gamma functions by Kim, Min-Soo* and Hu, Su
** from Division of Cultural Education, Kyungnam University, and **Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill Universi... 360° suture trabeculotomy with deep sclerectomy and cataract surgery - Video abstract 64264 Video abstract of an original research paper "Outcomes of 360° suture trabeculotomy with deep sclerectomy combined with cataract surgery for primary open angle glaucoma and coexisting cataract... How nerves tell your muscles to move - Sonia Watson (FameLab 2013 UK Final) Sonia Watson FameLab UK 2013 Finalist - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)