Beware of the Fat Suit -- Heavy colleagues might lead to heavy lunches Beware of the Fat Suit -- Heavy colleagues might lead to heavy lunches - YouTube... An Apple a Day Brings More Apples Your Way An Apple a Day Brings More Apples Your Way - YouTube... Lunch, Recess, and Nutrition: Responding to Time Incentives in Cafeterias Lunch, Recess, and Nutrition: Responding to Time Incentives in Cafeterias... Action TV is Fat TV: Snacking While Watching Fast Paced Programs Leads to Overeating Action TV is Fat TV: Snacking While Watching Fast Paced Programs Leads to Overeating - YouTube... Audrey Wansink & the Walnut Snack Machine Audrey Wansink & the Walnut Snack Machine - YouTube... An Upside of Marketing Food to Children An Upside of Marketing Food to Children - Cornell researchers found that 239% more students lined up at the salad bar when it was decorated using colorful banners with vegetable cartoon-characters and... Seduced by the Label: How Nutrition Information Leads You to Buy More Seduced by the Label: How Nutrition Information Leads You to Buy More - YouTube... Let Hunger be Your Guide: Eating When We are Not Hungry is Bad for Our Health Let Hunger be Your Guide: Eating When We are Not Hungry is Bad for Our Health - YouTube... You vs. large serving utensils and bowls You vs. large serving utensils and bowls - YouTube... Foodies: Profiling the Adventurous Eater Foodies: Profiling the Adventurous Eater - YouTube... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)
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