X ray measurements in helium like atoms increased discrepancy between experiment and theoretical QED Video abstract for the article ‘X-ray measurements in helium-like atoms increased discrepancy between experiment and theoretical QED‘ by C T Chantler, A T Payne, J D Gillaspy, L T Hudson, L F Smale, A... Spin dipole oscillation and relaxation of coherently coupled Bose–Einstein condensates Video abstract for the article ‘Spin-dipole oscillation and relaxation of coherently coupled Bose–Einstein condensates‘ by A Sartori, J Marino, S Stringari and A Recati (A Sartori et al 2015 New J. Ph... Spatial confinement causes lifetime enhancement and expansion of vortex rings with positive filament Video abstract for the article ‘Spatial confinement causes lifetime enhancement and expansion of vortex rings with positive filament tension‘ by Jan Frederik Totz, Harald Engel and Oliver Steinbock (J... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)