Prof. Allison Sekuler at McMaster University studies facial recognition and why some people better at recognizing faces than others. READ THE WHOLE STORY: ht......
For the Birds - 2 Minute Thesis - How do birds know who they're related to? Miya Warrington explains her thesis of listening to bird calls in the Australian Outback....
BAHFest West 2014 - Sarah Hird: Why do Mammals Sleep?
BAHFest West 2014 - Sarah Hird: Why do Mammals Sleep? BAHFest is the Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses, a celebration of well-researched, logically explained, and clearly wrong evolutionary theory. A...
PYR101: George Whitesides - Impact of video on scientific articles
Publishing Your Research 101: Impact of video on scientific articles -- “One of the real revolutions in the reporting of science has been YouTube,” contends Harvard University chemist George Whitesid...
Species Differences in Leaf Decomposition and Microbial Communities
With increased anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission, increased temperature, and changes in precipitation, species composition in forest ecosystems are expected to change.
The experimental goal is to ...
Dynamic Process for Business Model Generation Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps - Elizabeth Gibson - TMT
Elizabeth Gibson
Engineering & Technology Management
Portland State University
Dynamic Process for Business Model Generation Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps...