A cross-national survey of people living with hemophilia - Video abstract [ID 303822] Video abstract of an original research "A cross-national survey of people living with hemophilia: impact on daily living and patient education in Central Europe" published in the open access... Amino acid composition of nanofibrillar SAP hydrogels - Video abstract [ID173702] Video abstract of an original research paper “Amino acid composition of nanofibrillar self-assembling peptide hydrogels affects responses of periodontal tissue cells in vitro” published in the interna... Smartphone based annotation tool for AI in healthcare - Video abstract [ID 289425] Video abstract of an original research "Evaluating the viability of a Smartphone based annotation tool for faster and accurate image labelling for AI in healthcare" published in the open acc... Lifitegrast in Dry Eye Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery - Video abstract [ID 264520] Video abstract of an original research "The Effect of Lifitegrast on Refractive Accuracy and Symptoms in Dry Eye Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery" published in the open access journal Cl... Strategies to improve anxiety and depression in patients with COPD – Video abstract [ID 79354] Video abstract of a review paper “Strategies to improve anxiety and depression in patients with COPD: a mental health perspective” published in the open access journal Neuropsychiatric Disease and Tre... Created and maintained by Ryan Watkins (2013-present)